Thursday, March 28, 2013

what fresh hell is this?

Last week my sister asked S to bring her to the Wellstone Recovery Center. My parents and I were cautiously hopeful.

She began calling Dad on the 2nd day, demanding that he come get her. Dad spoke with the staff at the Wellstone Center but since she is an adult they could not give him much information as that would be a violation of her privacy - the usual bullshit we run into. We can provide details about her illness that would be helpful in treating her. She relies upon us to help her financially and emotionally. They did reveal that she would not attend group therapy sessions. The Wellstone Recovery Center is a facility for the mentally ill and for addicts. Could her reluctance to attend group therapy stem from the fact that drug addicts will not understand or believe she hears voices? Is it beneficial for people with schizophrenia to participate in group? In the Quiet Room Lori Schiller writes that the voices told her they would force her to hurt herself and anyone else she told about them. It's like  Fight Club - the first rule about the voices is that you don't talk about the voices, the 2nd rule about the voices... The voices have swallowed my sister's mind. They are more real to her than anything else. The voices are her only reality.

I don't intend to criticize the Wellstone Center. It was a nice 5-day break for me. She didn't bring her phone with her so she didn't call or text me for 5 blessed days! They were the best days of my life, I felt like I was on vacation! I didn't have to worry about her because she was being taken care of.

Dad picked her up on Monday. As soon as she arrived home she began calling me. She asked in a dead voice if I was happy that she had brain damage and was paralyzed and couldn't turn her neck or move her body. Apparently they gave her a medication that doesn't mix with the ones she already takes and was experiencing side effects.

The Wellstone Center created a care plan to give to the ACT Team. My Dad intended to spend the night at her apartment but she became psychotic and kicked him out. He stayed in a hotel while she made shrieking, threatening, abusive phone calls to my mom and I all night long.

On Tuesday Dad convinced my sister to go see the ACT Team but they were in a meeting and asked them to come back later. The ACT Team has to buzz you in and when they returned no one answered, no one let them in! What kind of care is this? If the ACT Team is not going to do their jobs they should remove my sister's name from their books and stop being paid for her care! They have not provided proper care since she relapsed and now they are scrambling to figure out how to cover their asses.

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